Assalamualaikum semua...
and a very good day to everyone who's not mulslim..(ada ke???)
its been 3 days now after new year...
what have you guys did???
did you guys have fun?new resolution for this year??
what about last year's resolution????
did you guys achieved it?i bet u guys did!!!congrats to you guys!!!
as for me....i can say that..
its a bit lonely on my first day of my new year..
no one's body..
not even my flesh n blood brother..Nan,..
sweet n caring brother chaq....
not even my horsie...
so,.. i am a bit down on that day....
but that was what?2 days ago right??
but now?
i think i'm feelin good..
i don't know..
how long this feeling will fill in me..
hopefully this year....
with these new hopes....
it will last forever....
can I be happy???
damn right i can...
as long as you can help me....
what about you???
what about you???
damn sure!!i will help u to be happy as well......
well,..this morning..
class started again...for a new semester and a new year...
good luck everyone...good luck horsie...:)
as for those who are working...
keep up the good work...
don't be lazy..
its new year..
be more workaholic.... ;)
and for those who are still not working..
never2 give up hope!!!!
keep on trying..
send thousands of resume if possible..
:) i know you guys can do it..
because you guys are the best!!!!
as for my best friend...
you married already!!!!
I am extremely happy for you my friend....
always have......
so,...may Allah bless your wedding...
together you guys will stand..
;) u know i'll keep watching you guys...
so be careful...
ok??? :)
what will i do next still not sure about it..
suddenly i miss everyone at school..
should u come to school this morninG???hehehe...
or just ignore it..
there's no one around ok???
hurm...just wait and see...;))
ok lah...
hopefully, this new year....i can open a new book, with a new chapter and create a new life with you... ;)
that "you" ....will be able to do the same...
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